An ad is meant to grab attention, generate interest, and get people excited about what you do. It's a promotional tool designed to attract potential customers.

Coming up with a concept for a video ad is one of the most enjoyable and exciting tasks we have here. An ad has a purpose, and that is to get people excited about your product or service. This means our team also needs to get excited and develop creative ideas that grab attention and resonate with your audience. It starts by experiencing the product or service firsthand, truly understanding your market and customers, and developing fresh creative concepts that balance creativity and strategy.

If you're ready to take the leap, a commercial will help you scale.

Ya te estás moviendo a un kilómetro por minuto: has hecho crecer tu equipo de desarrollo, has creado conciencia para tu producto o servicio, y estás hiper enfocado en aumentar los ingresos y los usuarios. Crear un video es el siguiente paso, este te proporcionara el impulso para llevarte a donde necesitas ir.

El video es una gran pieza para cualquier estrategia. En un video explicativo es fácil de decir el punto de venta único de su compañía, al mismo tiempo que ayuda a convertir a los visitantes del sitio web en clientes. Un video testimonial o resumen de la empresa atrae el tipo de talento adecuado para su equipo. Los comerciales crean su nicho en el mercado.

Commercial Advertisements

A commercial video, like the ones you see on television or the internet, is a short video (ideally 30 seconds or less, but no more than 60 seconds) focused on branding that promotes your company, product, or service. A commercial video is inherently high-level and should not delve into the details of what you do and how you do it, as an explainer video would.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are a way to let your customers speak for you. Featuring your most successful, happy, or unique customers on screen is a powerful way to attach a real-life narrative to your product or service. These stories typically include one or more customers speaking in testimonial-style about how your company has had a positive impact on their life or business.

Branded Content Videos

El punto de estos videos es hacer llegar un mensaje mientras mantienes a tu compañía en segundo plano. A diferencia de los anuncios tradicionales, los videos con contenido de marca no venden nada; de hecho, usualmente ni siquiera mencionan la marca. En cambio, este tipo de video ayuda a humanizar tu negocio conectándose emocionalmente con los espectadores y fortaleciendo la voz de tu marca. Este tipo de videos son excelentes para crear conciencia y establecer conexiones con tus clientes. Considera usarlos como parte de una campaña de relaciones públicas y para el compromiso constante con las redes sociales.

Drive your business to new horizons!

With Creative Ideas, Innovation & Determination.